Broderick Wood

Manager, Research IT
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2E8

Phone: (780) 492-5018 (office)
Fax: (780) 492-1071

Office: 218 Athabasca Hall

Moebius Strip II

A wood engraving by the Dutch graphic artist Moritz Escher (1898 - 1970) whose iconic works were often artistic riddles portraying real-world scenes in visually impossible ways. (Note that the "o" in "Mobius" has an umlaut (two little dots over it) or is written "oe".)

Eventually I will remember where I got this animation from and give appropriate credit.

Links Of Interest

Staying Safe OnLine (Gov't of Canada Site)

Please check out this site to verify Chain Letters and other such things before you even think about sending one to me.

Personal Stuff

(Note: Some of these may be questionable due to the nature of IT research and my quirky hobbies and as such may not represent the views or opinions of the Department of Computing Science. Browse with caution.)

Some Funny Sound Samplings From The Web

View of Earth from Mars.

Sys Admin Song

Warriors Of The Net

This is an excellent movie (the full length one) that explains how TCP/IP works in very simplistic terms that most people can understand.