CMPUT 366 - Intelligent Systems

Fall 2004
Department of Computing Science
University of Alberta

Instructor: Dale Schuurmans, Ath409, x2-4806,

TAs: John Arnold (jarnold) Assignment 1
Qin Wang (wqin) Assignment 2
Yuhong Guo (yuhong) Assignment 3
Gang Wu (wgang) Assignment 4

Room: CSC B-10
Time: TR 2:00-3:30
Office hours: W 11:15-12:15

Textbook: Russell & Norvig. Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach. 2nd Edition . (2003) Prentice Hall.


Course work

4 Assignments 40% (10% each: Programming in Java, Matlab, and some theory)
Project 30% (Students must work in groups of 3)
Final exam 30%

Course outline

Course readings and study guide

Course notes


Assignment 1 (pdf) (Edited 20:30 20/09/2004)
Assignment 2 (pdf) (Applet for Assignment 2 Bonus)
Assignment 3 (pdf) (Data files for Assignment 3: model.mat, show.m, data.mat)
Assignment 4 (pdf) (Data files for Assignment 4: a4files.tar.gz)

Matlab Tutorial