Abbreviation Latin Original English Meaning

i.e.         id est         that is (now, follow this with an alternative way

                           of saying the same thing)

e.g.         exempli gratia    for example (now, give an example)

viz.         videlicet         namely (so, now give the specifics)

etc.         et cetera         and so forth

et al.         et alii         and others (usually in a bibliographic reference)

et seq.        et sequentes     and the following

q.v.         quod vide       (for) which see

v. (vide)      vide         see

ca.         circa         about

ad lib.        ad libitum       at will

ad loc.        ad locum        at the place

ad inf.        ad infinitum      to infinity

ad nauseum                  ‘way too much (slang)

inf./infra      infra         below

sup./supra      supra         above

pro tem.       pro tempore     for the time being

non seq.       non sequitur     it does not follow

ibid.         ibidem         in the same place (usually of a citation)

op. cit.        opere citato      in the work(s) cited

loc. cit.        loco citato       in the place(s) cited

q.e.d.         quod erat demonstrandum which was to be demonstrated (end of proof)

vs. (or, v.)     versus         against

passim                  throughout

cf.         confer         compare

mutatis mutandis                 necessary changes having been made

n.b.         note bene         take careful note

ms / mss                  manuscript(s)