Lab 1 Notes: Standard I/O Library

These notes are based on Chap. 5 of "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment" by W. Richard Stevens. These notes are only a quick summary, and are not intended to replace what is written in the book.


5.1) Intro
5.2) Streams and FILE Objects
5.3) Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error
5.4) Buffering
5.5) Opening a Stream
5.6) Reading and Writing a Stream
5.7) Line-at-a-Time I/O
5.8) Standard I/O Efficiency
5.9) Binary I/O
5.10) Positioning a Stream
5.11) Formatted I/O
5.12) Implementation Details
5.13) Temporary Files
Appendix: Examples

5.1) Introduction

There are 2 key was to do I/O:
  1. Using file descriptors
  2. Using file streams (as defined by standard I/O library). This is the topic of these notes.

5.2) Streams and FILE Objects

5.3) Standard Input, Standard Output, and Standard Error

5.4) Buffering

5.5) Opening a Stream

5.6) Reading and Writing a Stream

5.7) Line-at-a-Time I/O

5.8) Standard I/O Efficiency

5.9) Binary I/O

5.10) Positioning a Stream

5.11) Formatted I/O

    #include <stdio.h>

    int printf (const char *format, ...);
     * printf writes to the standard output. 
     * Returns: the number of characters output if OK, 
     *          negative value if output error
    int fprintf (FILE *fp, const char *format, ...);
     * fprintf writes to the specified stream.
     * Returns: the number of characters output if OK, 
     *          negative value if output error

    int sprintf (char *buf, const char *format, ...);
     * sprintf writes to the character array buf.
     * sprintf automatically appends a null byte at the end of
     * the array, but this null byte is no included in the
     * return value.
     * Returns: the number of characters stored in the array

5.12) Implementation Details

5.13) Temporary Files

Appendix: Examples

  1. Program using setvbuf (contrasting line-buffering against no-buffering)
  2. Program using freopen (redirecting stdout to a file)
  3. Program using fscanf and feof (checking for duplicate words in a file)