CMPUT 690: KDD Principales

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©1999 Osmar R. Zaïane


Course Content

Chapter 1: IntroductionSlides + Text
Introduction to Data Mining
What kind of information are we collecting?
What are data mining and knowledge discovery?
What kind of data can be mined?
What can be discovered?
Is all that is discovered interesting and useful?
How do we categorize data mining systems?
What are the issues in data mining?
Chapter 2: Data WarehousesSlides + Text
Data Warehouses and OLAP
What is a data warehouse and what is it for?
What is the multidimensional data model?
What is the difference between OLAP and OLTP?
What is the general architecture of a data warehouse?
How can we implement a data warehouse?
Are there issues related to data cube technology?
Can we mine data warehouses?
Chapter 3: Data PreprocessingSlides + Text
Data Preprocessing
What is the motivation behind data preprocessing?
What is data cleaning and what is it for?
What is data integration and what is it for?
What is data transformation and what is it for?
What is data reduction and what is it for?
What is data discretization?
How do we generate concept hierarchies?
Chapter 4: Data Mining OperationsSlides + Text
Data Mining Operations
What is the motivation behind data preprocessing?
What is data cleaning and what is it for?
What is data integration and what is it for?
What is data transformation and what is it for?
What is data reduction and what is it for?
What is data discretization?
How do we generate concept hierarchies?
Chapter 5: Data SummarizationSlides + Text
Chapter 6: Association RulesSlides + Text
Association Rule Mining
What is association rule mining?
How do we mine single dimensional boolean associations?
How do we mine multilevel associations?
How do we mine multidimensional associations?
Can we constrain the association mining?
Chapter 7: Data ClassificationSlides + Text
Data Classification and prediction
What is classification of data and prediction?
How do we classify data by decision tree induction?
What are neural networks and how can they classify?
What is Bayesian classification?
Are there other classification techniques?
How do we predict continuous values?
Chapter 8: Data ClusteringSlides + Text
Data Clustering
What is clustering analysis?
What do we use clustering for?
Are there different approaches to data clustering?
What are the major clustering techniques?
Chapter 9: Web MiningSlides + Text
Web Mining
What is are the incentives of web mining?
What is the taxonomy of web mining?
What is web content mining?
What is web structure mining?
What is web usage mining?
What is a Virtual Web View?
Is there a query and discovery language for VWV?
Similarity SearchSlides + Text

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Last updated: October 18th, 1999
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Copyright Osmar R. Zaiane, 1999