CMPUT 690: KDD Principales

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©1999 Osmar R. Zaïane


About this site

This is a web site for a graduate course in computing science on data mining and principales of Knowledge Discovery in Databases. The site is built and maintained by Dr. Osmar R. Zaïane. The site is undergoing major changes based on students comments and suggestions.

Most pages are open to the public. However, some pages such as the Gradebook, Student Personal Pages, Student Submissions, Student Resources, are protected by paswords.

Fall 1999
Instructor: Osmar R. Zaïane
Office: GSB 645, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta
Lecture Time: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10:00am to 10:50am
Classroom: GSB 769
Office Hours:

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Link to a C/C++ program listing
Link to a Java class file
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Link to a page under construction

Please note that the course website is currently being setup from ground level and that the course notes are being added as the course is taught. Some new pages will be added, some pages might disappear. This course website will evolves into a more mature state based on the contributions and suggestions from the students and guests.
It is not recommended to bookmark individual pages from the site but rather bookmark the course homepage

The contents and style of these pages and the pages developed and submitted by the students of this course are the responsibility of their respective authors and do not necessarily represent the views, policies or opinions of the University of Alberta.

[Home] [Announcements] [Calendar] [On-line Materials] [Activities]
[Grading] [Glossary] [U-Chat Tool] [Web Links]
[Student Resources]

Copyright Osmar R. Zaiane, 1999